About Me

I'm in my late thirties. I feel like the girl formally known as in shape. This blog is my quest to once again find a happy balance between sipping wine with my hubby and not having my thighs jiggle when I walk. With a full time job and two kids, free time is hard to come by.

Meet the family. Me striking a pose & lecturing my son. Trent is laughing because he has me riled up.
Audrie is rocking out to her air guitar. All while Doug
 is trying to cop a feel. This photo pretty much sums us up.
I'm not horribly over weight. I'm not totally fit and ripped. I'm not a super fast runner. I can however usually will myself to finish almost anything I start. I work best when I have friends around for motivation & coffee or wine as a reward.

You have to work hard to look this good.
My current workout of choice is Camp Gladiator. I also enjoy yoga, and need to make that a priority again in my life. Pilates have been in the rotation recently. I run occasionally, and love races. Long ago...well two years ago...I trained with a group of friends and ran the Chicago Marathon. You can find a years worth of adventures at www.bitchyrunners.com.

Chicago marathon. We trained. We ran. We finished.
Wine is something my husband and I enjoy. He enjoys all the swirl, sniff, note taking and learning aspects of wine. I enjoy the drinking part of wine.

I'm usually on glass #3, while he is still evaluating his first pour.
Wine and working out help to keep me from doing too much whining. Whine and Wine Adventures came from a weekly bitchyrunners blog post, "Whine and Wine Wednesday."

A typical Wednesday night during marathon training.
This is not a running blog. This is a blog about finding my motivation again. This is a blog about balancing the insanity that makes life fun. Life is an adventure...make the most of it!

Refill please.

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